Class of 2027 Nominations Close March 3
Nominations are now open!

Nominations & Rankings Schedules

 Club Player Nomination & Rankings Schedule

Class of 2029December 18, 2024January 26, 2025February 24, 2025
Class of 2027January 29, 2025March 3, 2025April 7, 2025
Class of 2028September 4, 2025Oct 4, 2025Nov 3, 2025
Class of 2026Aug 1, 2025Aug 30, 2025Sep 29, 2025
Class of 2030Oct 10, 2025Nov 8, 2025Dec 8, 2025
10U/12U Rising Stars Watch ListNov 15, 2025Jan ___ 2026 [TBD]TBD

Class of 2026 Club Rankings Schedule: Jan-Feb, 2025

Jan 6. Northeast [all positions]Jan 7. Southeast [all positions]Jan 8. Midwest [all positions]Jan 9. Southwest [all positions]Jan 10. Mountain [all positions]Jan 11. West [all positions]Jan 12. RECAP: Region for all positions.
Jan 13. Pitchers Select #153-101Jan 14. Pitchers Elite #100-81Jan 15. Pitchers Elite #80-61Jan 16. Pitchers Elite 60-41Jan 17. Pitchers Elite 40-21Jan 18. Pitchers Elite 20-1Jan 19. RECAP: Catchers Select [153-101] & Elite 100
Jan 20. Catchers Select #122-101Jan 21. Catchers Elite #100-81Jan 22. Catchers Elite #80-61Jan 23. Catchers Elite #60-41Jan 24. Catchers Elite #40-21Jan 25. Catchers Elite #20-1Jan 26. RECAP: Catchers Select [122-101] & Elite 100
Jan 27. Infielders Prospects #274-201Jan 28. Infielders Select #200-101Jan 29. Infielders Elite #100-81Jan 30: Infielders Elite #80-61Jan 31. Elite Infielders #60-41Feb 1. Elite Infielders #40-21Feb 2. Elite Infielders #20-1
Feb 3. RECAP: Infielders [Prospect, Select, Elite]Feb 4. Outfielders Select #166-101Feb 5. Outfielders Elite #100-81Feb 6. Outfielders Elite #80-61Feb 7. Elite Outfielders #60-41Feb 8. Elite Outfielders #40-21Feb 9. Elite Outfielders #20-1
Feb 10. RECAP: Outfielders [Prospect, Select, Elite]Feb 11. Regional Hitters HotlistFeb 12. National Hitters Hotlist: [Top 60]Feb 13. RECAP OF ALL 202614.15.16.

Class of 2029 Club Rankings Schedule: Feb-April, 2025

Feb 24: Northeast Region Rankings [All Positions)Feb 25: Southeast Region Rankings [All Positions)Feb 26: Midwest Region Rankings [All Positions)Feb 27: Southwest Region Rankings [All Positions)Feb 28: Mountain Region Rankings [All Positions)Mar 1: West Region Rankings [All Positions)Mar 2: RECAP: All-Region Rankings [All Positions]
Mar 3: Extra Elite #100-96 [All Positions]Mar 4: Extra Elite #95-91 [All Positions]Mar 5: Extra Elite #90-86 [All Positions]Mar 6: Extra Elite #85-81 [All Positions]Mar 7: Extra Elite #80-76 [All Positions]Mar 8: Extra Elite #75-71 [All Positions]Mar 9: Extra Elite #70-66 [All Positions]
Mar 10: Extra Elite #65-61 [All Positions]Mar 11: Extra Elite #60-56 [All Positions]Mar 12: Extra Elite #55-51 [All Positions]Mar 13: Extra Elite #50-46 [All Positions]Mar 14: Extra Elite #45-40 [All Positions]Mar 15: Extra Elite #40-36 [All Positions]Mar 16: Extra Elite #35-31 [All Positions]
Mar 17: Extra Elite #30-26 [All Positions]Mar 18: Extra Elite #25-20 [All Positions]Mar 19: Extra Elite #20-16 [All Positions]Mar 20: Extra Elite #15-11 [All Positions]Mar 21: Extra Elite #10-6 [All Positions]Mar 22: VOTING OPENS FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5Mar 23: VOTING OPEN FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5
Mar 24: VOTING CLOSES MIDNIGHT FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5Mar 25: Fastpitch Fan Pick Top 5 AnnouncedMar 26: Extra Elite #5-1 [All Positions]Mar 27: Extra Select Players Ranked #101-200Mar 28: Extra Prospect Players Ranked #201-300Mar 29: Regional Hitters Hotlist Top 50 in Each RegionMar 30. Extra Elite 100 National Hitters Hotlist [Top 100]
Mar 31: National Honor Roll: Distinguished Prospects: GPA 3.5-3.74April 1: National Honor Roll: Distinguished Selects: GPA 3.6 – 3.74April 2: Extra Elite Honor Roll Scholars: 4.0+April 3: RECAP of ALL Class of 2029 Rankings, Hitters Hot List & Honor Roll

Class of 2027 Club Rankings Schedule: April-May, 2025

April 7: Northeast Region Rankings [All Positions)April 8: Southeast Region Rankings [All Positions)April 9: Midwest Region Rankings [All Positions)April 10: Southwest Region Rankings [All Positions)April 11: Mountain Region Rankings [All Positions)April 12: West Region Rankings [All Positions)April 13: RECAP: All-Region Rankings [All Positions]
April 14: Extra Elite #100-96 [All Positions]April 15: Extra Elite #95-91 [All Positions]April 16: Extra Elite #90-86 [All Positions]April 17: Extra Elite #85-81 [All Positions]April 18: Extra Elite #80-76 [All Positions]April 19: Extra Elite #75-71 [All Positions]April 20: Extra Elite #70-66 [All Positions]
April 21: Extra Elite #65-61 [All Positions]April 22: Extra Elite #60-56 [All Positions]April 23: Extra Elite #55-51 [All Positions]April 24: Extra Elite #50-46 [All Positions]April 25: Extra Elite #45-40 [All Positions]April 26: Extra Elite #40-36 [All Positions]April 27: Extra Elite #35-31 [All Positions]
April 28: Extra Elite #30-26 [All Positions]April 29: Extra Elite #25-20 [All Positions]April 30: Extra Elite #20-16 [All Positions]May 1: Extra Elite #15-11 [All Positions]May 2: Extra Elite #10-6 [All Positions]May 3: VOTING OPENS FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5May 4: VOTING OPEN FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5
May 5: VOTING CLOSES MIDNIGHT FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5May 6: Fastpitch Fan Pick Top 5 AnnouncedMay 7: Extra Elite #5-1 [All Positions]May 8: Extra Select Players Ranked #101-200May 9: Extra Prospect Players Ranked #201-300May 10: Regional Hitters Hotlist Top 50 in Each RegionMay 11. Extra Elite 100 National Hitters Hotlist [Top 100]
May 12: National Honor Roll: Distinguished Prospects: GPA 3.5-3.74May 13: National Honor Roll: Distinguished Selects: GPA 3.6 – 3.74May 14: Extra Elite Honor Roll Scholars: 4.0+May 15: RECAP of ALL Class of 2029 Rankings, Hitters Hot List & Honor Roll

Class of 2028 Club Rankings Schedule: Nov-Dec, 2025

Nov 3: Northeast Region Rankings [All Positions)Nov 4: Southeast Region Rankings [All Positions)Nov 5: Midwest Region Rankings [All Positions)Nov 6: Southwest Region Rankings [All Positions)Nov 7: Mountain Region Rankings [All Positions)Nov 8: West Region Rankings [All Positions]Nov 9: RECAP: All-Region Rankings [All Positions]
Nov 10: Extra Elite #100-96 [All Positions]Nov 11: Extra Elite #95-91 [All Positions]Nov 12: Extra Elite #90-86 [All Positions]Nov 13: Extra Elite #85-81 [All Positions]Nov 14: Extra Elite #80-76 [All Positions]Nov 15: Extra Elite #75-71 [All Positions]Nov 16: Extra Elite #70-66 [All Positions]
Nov 17: Extra Elite #65-61 [All Positions]Nov 18: Extra Elite #60-56 [All Positions]Nov 19: Extra Elite #55-51 [All Positions]Nov 20: Extra Elite #50-46 [All Positions]Nov 21: Extra Elite #45-40 [All Positions]Nov 22: Extra Elite #40-36 [All Positions]Nov 23: Extra Elite #35-31 [All Positions]
Nov 24: Extra Elite #30-26 [All Positions]Nov 25: Extra Elite #25-20 [All Positions]Nov 26: Extra Elite #20-16 [All Positions]Nov 27: Extra Elite #15-11 [All Positions]Nov 28: Extra Elite #10-6Nov 29: VOTING OPENS FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5Nov 30: VOTING OPEN FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5
Dec 1: VOTING CLOSES MIDNIGHT FOR FASTPITCH FAN PICK TOP 5Dec 2: Fastpitch Fan Pick Top 5 AnnouncedDec 3: Extra Elite #5-1 [All Positions]Dec 4: Extra Select Players Ranked #101-200Dec 5: Extra Prospect Players Ranked #201-300Dec 6: Regional Hitters Hotlist Top 50 in Each RegionDec 7: Extra Elite 100 National Hitters Hotlist [Top 100]
Dec 8: National Honor Roll: Distinguished Prospects: GPA 3.5-3.74Dec 9: National Honor Roll: Distinguished Selects: GPA 3.6 – 3.74Dec 10: Extra Elite Honor Roll Scholars: 4.0+Dec 11: RECAP of ALL Class of 2029 Rankings, Hitters Hot List & Honor Roll

 Rising Stars 10U & 12U Nomination & Rankings Schedules

People’s Choice: Rising Stars Coach Rankings [REGIONAL]March 1March 31April 5April 12April 15April 16April 17
People’s Choice: Rising Stars Coach Rankings [NATIONAL]April 25May 9NATIONAL ANNOUNCED
May 14, 2025

Team RankingsNominations OpenNominations CloseLaunch Date [Northeast]Launch Date [Southeast]Launch Date [Midwest]Launch Date [Southwest]Launch Date [Mountain]Launch Date [West]
Rising Stars 10U & 12U TeamsJune 30July 18August 4August 5August 6August 7August u8August 9

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