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Inside Pitch: 9 Things We’re Hearing About Summer Travel Ball… by Brentt Eads

There’s so much going on right now around summer travel ball play and which events are on and who will be going where, but there are some things that are becoming apparent. Here are 9 things we’re hearing around events and recruiting.

We’re a week into May and the summer is still up in the air in many ways when it comes to club softball showcases, tournaments, nationals and recruiting thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed.

There’s a lot going on for sure and we’re hearing from many sources, including top club and college scouts, coaches and players, of some interesting developments.

Here are 9 we think are worth noting…


1. Recruiting Dead Period Extended: The recruiting dead period for college coaches is all but a surety to be extended to at least June 30… and maybe beyond. One SEC coach says it’s a “done deal.” Why? Several reasons: some college coaches may be more susceptible to the virus; some have family obligations or concerns (elderly and/or young children who could be more vulnerable) and there could be a disparity when it comes to state restrictions, meaning some coaches could recruit and some couldn’t and the NCAA hate’s unequal playing fields.

2. Recruiting Extended into the Fall?: What does that mean for recruiting? Obviously, July and August would be jam packed with events attended by college recruiters, but don’t be surprised if some of the missed recruiting months are extended into August and September. Which could impact the states that play in the fall such as Georgia, probably the most significant state in size and prestige that doesn’t play in the spring. Which leads to our next point…

Scroll down to read more thoughts about what’s coming up this summer… and beyond!

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