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Inside Pitch: Rose Wendel Breaks Down Her Home Run Video & Approach – Part I (Dec. 9, 2023)

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Rose Wendel is a 2027 power hitter who batted .483 this year with 10 home runs and a whopping 89 RBIs.

We’re excited to launch a series of videos featuring 2027 right-handed pitcher and corner infielder Rose Wendel (a Top 135-ranked player in the 2027 Extra Elite 100 ratings and #65 in Position Rankings as a Pitcher-Duo) who smacked 10 home runs this year and is going to share with us how she is so successful with her swing.

Today, the freshman at Hempfield (Landisville, Pa.) High introduces herself and what she’s going to be doing in her upcoming clips:

In the first installment, Rose details how she guested with the 16U Keystone State Bombers team on Sunday, June 3, 2023, when she had an even count of 1-1 during the semi-final game of a USSSA tournament in Pennsylvania.

Here’s what Rose recalls of that big summer blast…


To hit this home run, I locked in, stayed focused on the ball and kept my same routine.

My routine consists of first timing up the pitcher from the dugout. When I time up the pitcher, I make a movement as if I am about to swing when she pitches. Every single time I get into the on-deck circle I draw a triangle with a line underneath it and then take a practice swing before she begins her pitch.

Rose Wendel

After that I spin my bat and tap three times with my bat on “my” triangle plate. While I am tapping my plate I also tap my helmet three times. This plate that I have drawn becomes “my” home plate and I swing in accordance to the pitcher pitching.

I do this routine before my at-bat because—when I get to the box—I do the exact same thing I do in the on-deck circle and get myself mentally and physically prepared to swing the bat.

When I am in the batter’s box, I tune out all external voices and listen to only the positive voice inside my head reminding me that “I got this” and to “believe” in myself.

In my opinion, your mental state is a key part of hitting. While the mental game is a big part of softball, your skills are also very important.

With this home run and, really, with every pitch, I wait to explode—making a split-second decision every at-bat as to whether it’s the one.

In the video, the pitch was good, I planted my foot, used my core, kept my eyes on the ball and unleashed on it. I make sure to always have good mechanics which I will explain in my future videos.

— Rose Wendel

  • Twitter: @RoseWendel2027
  • Instagram: RoseWendelSoftball

Also, check out this YouTube video of Rose’s successful year at the plate:


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